Hale Ho’onani Fellowship is the descendant of two traditions: ancient Hawai’ian spirituality and the historical Black church.
Ancient Hawai’ian Spirituality
The ancient ones were the people who were maoli or native to Hawai’i. Their attitude gave them great mana or power over their surroundings, but it was really the power of love and kinship.
African Methodist Episcopal A.M.E. Church
The A.M.E. Church was founded in 1787 by Richard Allen and Absalom Jones, former slaves who purchased their own freedom. Revolutionary and celebratory, African Americans co-created a space of self-love that embraced what can only be described as “soul.”
Doxology – A Hymn of Praise
Every Sunday Service since the founding of the A.M.E. church, slaves, former slaves and the free have sung this hymn infusing it with an energy, a magic, a medicine, that heals.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him, above, ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
And in Hawaiian:
Ho’onani i ka Makua Mau,
Ke Keiki me ka ‘Uhane no,
Ke Akua Mau ho’omaika’i pu,
Ko keia ao, ko kela ao.
The Hawai’ian hymn of praise (doxology) featuring the Kamehameha Children’s Choir from the children of Pauahi. Listen and feel the vibration of the song. It runs only 48 seconds and you may feel transformed.
A Song of Hope and Faith
Also, of particular importance to our church is the traditional song of hope and faith known as The Black National Anthem.