Healing The Parts of Yourself That You Don’t Like

Healing Parts You Don’t Like

In this video titled “Healing The Parts of Yourself That You Don’t Like,” Pastor Vicky shares stories and insights to help listeners understand how to heal and accept the parts of themselves that they dislike. She uses the analogy of two dogs, one representing the healthy part and the other representing the wounded part, emphasizing that both parts are essential and must be loved equally. She suggests that extreme emotions such as love or hate can bring back what one resists, and finding a balance in emotions is crucial. She also highlights the importance of giving the wounded parts a purpose and staying connected to them for healing. Ultimately, Pastor Vicky encourages journaling and recognizing the usefulness of these disliked parts of yourself to initiate the healing process.

Two Dogs

Pastor Vicky tells a story about two dogs to illustrate the different parts of oneself. The little dog represents the healthy and thriving part, while the big dog represents the wounded and needy part. She highlights that both parts are essential and must be loved equally. She explains that hating or rejecting the parts of oneself that one doesn’t like will not lead to healing, but rather, love is necessary. Pastor Vicky emphasizes that extreme emotions, whether love or hate, can bring back what one resists, and suggests finding a balance in emotions to avoid this dynamic. She ends the story with the big dog getting lost, causing panic, and highlights the interconnectedness of the two parts of oneself.

The Lost Dog

Then she continues the story with the lost dog covered in mud to explain the importance of giving the damaged parts of ourselves a job or purpose. Just like a wound in our body, a wounded soul needs structure and a focus to heal. Unity is power, as it allows all parts of ourselves to dial in and work efficiently towards healing. By staying connected and not separating from the damaged part, we can use our heart as a GPS to connect and find healing. She encourages listeners to write down one area of themselves or in their life that they consider damaged and give it purpose to begin the healing process.

Discover The Purpose

In this part of the video, Pastor Vicky emphasizes the importance of recognizing that the parts of oneself that are disliked cannot simply be eliminated. Instead, she suggests that these perceived negative aspects must have a purpose or usefulness. She encourages viewers to think about it and write in their journals, specifically stating, “I can’t just get rid of it, it has to be useful.” This implies that the process of healing and accepting these disliked parts involves understanding their value and finding a productive way to incorporate them into one’s life.

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