Christ & The Second Coming, A Thomas Benedict Mellen Insight

A Journey Through The Light and Back, the near-death experience story of Thomas Benedict Mellen

See the previous Top 3 Cases of Lazarus Syndrome

1. Thomas Benedict Mellen, an artist in North Carolina

Thomas Benedict Mellen, 21 years old, was a self-employed stained glass artist in North Carolina.

His case was featured in Deepak Chopra’s book, Life After Death. He died for 90 minutes of inoperable brain cancer. When he came back to life, his brain cancer had suddenly disappeared and could not be detected on brain scans. When he asked his doctor how this could be medically possible, the doctor said, “I don’t know. Get out of my office.”

He was an atheist, he never believed in God. But when he died, he saw God. He saw Jesus. By the way, Jesus’ light is incredible— he’s definitely a healer.

Thomas Mellen asked God, “Are you God?”

God answered, “What is this universe is not God?”

Then he gazed into the light which he thought was God and he said, “the light turned into the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen: a mandala of human souls on this planet.”

Mandala of human souls

God, contained within himself, every human soul on this planet— God’s life is made up of all our lives, combined.

Then, Thomas Mellen saw what he called the River of Life which was an enormous stream of light— vast and deep— in the heart of life, inside of the heart of God. Then, he realized the words of salvation— which happens spontaneously when you drink from the River of Life.

Those words are, “I love my life.”

I Love My Life

When Jesus said, “I have come to save you.” What Jesus is saving us from is death— you are dead when you don’t love your life. You are alive when you love your life.

Then God said to Thomas Mellen, “Remember this and never forget; you save, redeem and heal yourself. You always have. You always will. You were created with the power to do so from before the beginning of the world.”

In that instant, Thomas Mellen realized that we were designed to self-correct like the rest of God’s universe.

This is what the second coming is about. The second coming is not about the coming of Christ as a political leader. It’s about the coming of Christ’s consciousness. The consciousness that we are the saviors that we have been waiting for.

We were designed to be like Christ, to save ourselves from soul death by saying these words, “I love my life.”

And to spread that message across the world. That you need to love your life.

Otherwise, you will die.

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