What is Your Force of Nature? The Elements of Your Essence

Be Your Force of Nature

If you are fire, you have to BURN. God did not design fire to be cool.

If you are water, you have to SOOTHE. God did not design you to grind.

If you are metal, you have to SHARPEN. Iron sharpens iron. Water does not do this.

If you are earth, you have to GROUND. God did not design you to float.

If you are air, you have to circulate and MOVE. You have to be free. God did not design air to be stale. If someone tries to trap you, the moment you have an opening, you will escape. Because you must. You are air. At your best, you are the wind. You bring change.

At your worst, you are not YOU. You are trying to be something you’re not.

When someone tries to make you into something you’re not— for example, if you are air and they try to bury you in the earth, you will air-rate the soil, you will create spaces within the soil— so that others can BREATHE. Because you’re air. That’s your force.

If you are air and someone tries to drown you in water, you will bubble and make the water into foam— so that the water EXPANDS and churns like the whitewash on the shore.

If you are air and someone tries to burn you in fire, you will only fuel the flames and make them spread— you will give the fire arms and hands so that it can reach for more.

If you are air and someone tries to mix you with metal, you will disintegrate the metal. It will create sparks until the metal is no longer solid, but combusts. Poof!

Whatever you are, you will add your force to that element. You will look different in different environments, but you — essentially— will not change.

If you are air, in your own element, you are the summer breeze. If I add you to earth, you— being air— create breath inside the soil so that the roots of flowers have space to grow. If I add you to water, you become bubbles. If I add you to fire, you become fuel. If I add you to metal, you become an explosion.

God designed you to NOT LOSE your nature.

God designed you so that when people try to crush you, you don’t die— you just become a new form of who you are— you gain a NEW form.

When people try to crush you and you worry that you’re going to lose who you are— don’t worry, babe.

You can’t lose who you are. You can only gain a new form.

Please write that in your journal:

I can’t lose who I am. I can only gain a new form.

God always wants to make you MORE of who you are. The world can change what form you take— but they can’t change what makes you, you— what gives you your magic. Your power. Your soul. Your gift. Your flavor.

When life puts you in a situation where you feel that you cannot be who you are— remember that it’s not possible to crush you. It’s only possible for you to change forms. You cannot lose your force.

No matter what happens to you— you still retain your innate nature— and that is to be, who you must be.

If you are air, you will always long to be the wind.

If you are water, you will always long to be the sea.

If you are fire, you will always long to be a flame.

If you are earth, you will always long to be the ground upon which others can pass.

If you are crystal, you will always long to be connected with the universe.

This longing to be who you are causes this immense chemistry to take place. When you combine your force with a different force— chemistry takes place— a new thing happens. A new version of you. But it’s still you.

And that’s why God loves you. You are always you.

I know that you struggle when others don’t understand you, when they don’t listen to you, when they don’t accept you, when they don’t see you. But the reality is that they just don’t understand that…

They can’t crush you.

They can’t drown you.

They can’t burn you.

They can’t bury you.

They can’t stop you.

They can change what form you take. But that’s all they can do.


It’s as though— you are a strawberry and the world tries to make you into cake. So they destroy the strawberry— mix it into the cake— and they end up with strawberry cake.

Or the world tries to make you ice-cream, they end up with strawberry ice cream.

Even if they throw you in acid, they end up with acid that— sniff! Sniff! Smells like strawberries.

Whatever you do, wherever you go, you add your force to everything that you touch. It bears your mark, your love print and carries your energy.

It has your mana!

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