Hawaiian Mantra of The Week
Our Hawai’ian mantra of the week is: “I love my life.”
The way you say that is, “Aloha wau ko’u ola”
Aloha means “love.”
Wau means “I”
Aloha wau, means “I love.”
Say that with me, Aloha wau
The way that you sign that is— first you say, “I” by holding up your dominant hand in a fist, palm facing out, with only your pinkie finger sticking up straight. [see video]
The sign for “love” is made by crossing both hands over the middle of your chest.
Let’s try that, Aloha wau—
Ko’u ola means “my life.”
KO-OO means “my.”
Say that with me, Ko-ooh
How you sign that is put your hand on your chest. [see video]
Ola means “life.”
Say that with me, ola.
The way you sign that is you make guns with your hands. Point them down towards each other in front of your chest and then turn them up to point at each other. [see video]
So let do “my life.”
Ko’u ola
Let’s do the whole thing”
Aloha wau ko’u ola
I love my life!
Remember Walter the Corgi? Well, I’m gonna ask him questions and you will answer on his behalf either — YES, because — aloha wau ko’u ola. Or NO, because — aloha wau ko’u ola.
Do you want to jump in a mud puddle?
YES, because…. aloha wau ko’u aloha.
Do you want to take a bath?
NO, because…. aloha wau ko’u aloha.
Do you want to eat bacon?
YES, because…. aloha wau ko’u aloha.
Do you want to do time out cuz you ate the couch?
NO, because…. aloha wau ko’u aloha.